Up fairly early after crashing fairly early. I think the day, the heat and the hooch ganged up on me and by 9:30 — I was cutting Zzzz’s in bed. Woke up feeling pretty good and had the bulk of my morning stuff done before my Queen came stumbling out. She apparently didn’t have a very good night which a later conversation confirmed. Coffee and time spent with her…. I decided to head out for some more walking. Daughter Amanda told me about an App that would track how far I walked. I already got it loaded and was anxious to see how well (and if) it really worked. I was also curious how long the previous days walk was. It was one of my longer ones here on the island and I had guesstimated it to be 2.5 – 3 miles, so I took off to walk the same route again, which I did. On that note – there will be slightly fewer pictures because I took a lot of them on the first trip, but I still managed what I think are different shots and views. Anyhow – my new App – mapped the route perfectly and recorded it at 2.59 miles….. so I was pretty happy with my guesstimate on the distance traveled. It also tells you your time and the pace you set while walking. Some pretty good intel……. and apparently for additional money (the App was free) it will provide a lot more of additional intel if you have that desire to know. I also found out – that while you’re walking – when you pass a mile increment – the App ‘talks’ to you and tells you your mileage, and the pace you’re setting at the time. (Which almost scared the stuffing out of me, when it first started talking to me). At the end of your walk – it will also tell you how many calories you burned. According to ‘Map my Run‘ App- I burned up 341 calories. Got to be honest in the fact though, that I would have thought I would have burned up a hellva lot more than that in the hour my big fat touchas was sweating and humping in that hour~!
The rest of the day was running around in the truck – doing small odds and ends, that really didn’t need to be done – but done more in the interest of boredom, got them done anyway. Culminated the day by driving to mid-island for some Blues Back Yard BBQ for dinner. Still dealing with the Covid virus – visits there just aren’t the same anymore – but it sure was nice to see Jim, Deb and Eddy again. Dave and Liz were there picking up chow as well….. so it was a brief reunion while we enjoyed a drink and each others company while we waited for our orders. Back at the house — -a scrumptious meal wolfed down and now enjoying the cool breeze that is blowing outside now. I do know I’m gonna have to start walking a LOT farther if I’m gonna keep on eating that much food. 😉
Good Night Ya’ll : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Thankx for stopping in~!
Don’t know what these are yet – trying to find out.
The road yet to go……
My ‘after walk’ breakfast………
This guy was hanging out in the tree above us in our backyard….