Up much earlier than I wanted due mostly to ‘old man stuff’ but I was up and at it shortly after 6:00 this morning. We went to bed fairly early so we got enough sleep, but it left a lot to be desired as for the quality of it. I personally think we’re still getting used to a new environment – so not gonna belly ache a whole lot about it.
Met the kids downtown [5 minutes away] – gathered up some air tanks and were soon wading out into that beautiful blue water….. I sure have missed that~! It was a fun dive just the 3 of us and I got to bottle-ass around as much as I wanted to. I got to practice some photography shots I usually don’t get to do on guided dives. Visibility was 100+ feet and lots and lots of sea life for my subjects. The dive lasted just over an hour (we didn’t go very deep) and we all had a ball. Tanks returned and back to the house in time for a buddy of mine who is a plumber, to come out and try to get our water pressure up a little bit. Taking a shower was a real challenge, as you had to be patient enough to let the stream of water finally wash the suds off of you. I have yet to have my post dive shower – so I’m looking forward to trying it out. The kids showed up with a pasta dish and some garlic bread and we sat and enjoyed that with them. Sadly Cynthia wasn’t feeling good so they left fairly early. I sat and finished editing a whole bunch of pictures for you that I hope you’ll like.
The land lady is due by tomorrow morning, to give us permission to hang a couple of badly needed cabinets ( I hope). Looking forward to tomorrow, as I get pizza for dinner tomorrow night. I fully intend not to be hammered and actually enjoy the pizza this time. I’m tired and ready for my shower, so I’m gonna leave it here. At least I have lots of good new pictures for you.
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – – – – – – Thankx for stopping in~!