Got the bare minimum done last night that I had to do after chatting with you all and fell directly into to bed. I did not pass go, did not collect $200….. just fell into bed. I don’t remember much of anything after my head hit the pillow last night until a little after 06:00 this morning when it dawned on me I was starting to sweat… now that’s odd – cause I’m usually wrapped up in our one lone sheet and actually chilly in the mornings. Then it dawned on me. Neither fan was running….. dammit Emmit….. the electricity was out~! That’s the second day in a friggin row~! (and we do not have that high dollar generator the condo had)…. My neighbor swore up and down, the electricity ‘never goes out down here‘…… yea – right~! I went ahead and got up and managed the best I could without lights and running water, before heading out for a cigarette. My Queen came out shortly behind me, grumbling about the electricity. Without it – there is no lights, no fans, no running water, no TV and no internet AND NO Coffee~!….. DAMMIT EMMIT~! Now I’m not a coffee drinker per se, but I know my bride likes hers…. so some suffering to deal with (no – instant ain’t gonna cut it). I may try and score me one of the old school percolators to use for just such occasions (since we have a propane stove now – it works without electricity. Gots to make sure my Queen has her coffee in the morning~!
Without all the aforementioned ‘things’ we didn’t have, it actually makes for a pretty dull day….. although we finally did crack open the fridge door long enough to grab breakfast items and made a nice little breakfast. It took until almost 1:00 before we finally got electricity again. Jeeez, I hope this don’t become a habit~! We spent an inordinate amount of time outside smoking, as there was a little bit of a breeze we could catch one in a while. While out there – we noticed several Iguana’s making their rounds. As it turned out, there were a lot of them. I did manage some pictures for you, as well as our local Harry the Horny peacock. One of our neighbors has about a dozen pussy cats, and they have started investing the new folks in the neighbor hood. I been throwing rocks, spraying them with wasp spray, stomping my feet at them and several other ‘noises’ to try and get them to learn, they are not welcome here. So far, it’s cats-1, grumpy new neighbor-0. The blue dozen little gecko’s we have running all over the place don’t really bother me – they eat bugs~! (Got LOTS of them too) Apparently a lot to get used to on this end of the island….. but hey, it keeps life interesting, especially when you don’t have any electricity~!
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!
Me & Suzanne
Harry the horny Peacock