Up early (same reasons as yesterday)…….. had to take off early to get to the assigned place for picture taking….., met, got instructions then took off again to meet at the boat. Got to level with you right about here…… after 5 dives and working my chubby little butt off taking pictures and 1 AM-MAZ-ZING dive…. drive home, rinse and hang gear, shower….. drive back to mid island for a half of my truck cab order of Blues Backyard BBQ…. back to the West end to meet up with Cynthia, Mitch and Andrea to dive into said BBQ and then a wonderful time chatting about diving and other [unimportant] stuff…….. I’m so tired right now (yes, I started drinking very early in the day)….. I’m so tired right now I almost hate myself…… so I’m gonna TRY and put up some of the 300+ pictures I took today and fall my happy a$$ into bed. I’ve already had my shower, the folks are all gone and I’m fading fast. Can’t wait to tell you about the day – because it was WONDERFUL~!!! One of the best days I’ve ever had since I been on the island that didn’t involve visiting family or friends. Just too old, too much to drink and too tired to go any farther tonight…….. Another day of picture taking (while diving) tomorrow~!
Good Night Ya’ll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thankx for stopping in~!