Up after a MUCH better nights slumber…… don’t know what caused the fitful nights sleep but damn glad to be done with them…….. Didn’t get motivated enough to make me some eggs before lighting out for my dives this morning, so I substituted them with some very crumbly Pop tarts Stephanie left here. Now I know why she left them – but it was sufficient enough to keep my belly from pestering me while me, Shawn and Cynthia went diving. Well, me and Cynthia went diving….. weeny a$$ Marine could only handle 1 dive this morning…… (luv ya Shawn) 😉 Visibility was AWESOME~! First dive was at probably 130+’~! Second dive was almost as good, but kind of went to crap on us as we dropped over the edge. Not a lot of big sea life on either dive – although we did have turtles, eels, sting rays and lobsters~! [oh my~!] Took tons of pictures but only saved 66 out of 161. Not they were what I would consider ‘bad’ pictures, but I think I’m just getting a little pickier about what I save now. And now that we are fixin’ to move into a place we can actually afford….. I may even convince myself to get one of them new hi-fa-lutin’ high dollar camera’s so I can take even better pictures~! Got to hang out after the dives with my island kids and drink a nice cold beer and talk about the dives…… so much more enjoyable when I can do that with folks I know and love……. Got ready to head out and wound up gathering up a young couple ‘stranded’ at the dock, a ride to find their parents……. found them out close to Cane Bay….. happily reunited – I headed back to the condo to my Queen.
Home, geared rinsed and hung up, showered and ready for anything – we decided we would head up to Blues Backyard BBQ to check out some new “entertainment”. I use that word loosely, as after listening to them for a while – the only thing entertaining about them was making fun of how bad they sounded… jeeez….. I mean bad is bad – but this outfit SUCKED~! Anyhow, my Queen and I each had a damn fine tasty meatball sub sammich….. 2 or 8 drinks before we couldn’t tolerate the ‘music’ any more and headed back here……. Got to head out early tomorrow to drop DD 2.0 off at the garage. May head into town for some Bloody Mary’s and Biscuits and Gravy at Toast diner…… not sure yet….. Still got lots of great pictures for you including another two days worth from today — Sorry for any duplicates……
Good Night Ya’ll # # # # # # # # # # # # # Thankx for stopping in~!
IMG_0344 <—- Video of Jelly fish
Lots and LOTS of Jellyfish
Picture just does not do the water clarity justice~!

Worn out from all that SCUBA diving~! 😉 <3