Crashed at a semi-reasonable hour last night as we had to be ‘up for work’ this morning. We both opted to skip breakfast while we woke up…. an option I’m not so sure I’m going to use tomorrow. We arrived on the West end of the island (about a 35 minute drive) arriving at our work place about 10 minutes early. Got everything opened up. Jamal showed up right behind us and started bringing the 4-wheelers over to the yard. While my Queen did her thing in the office I went over and helped Jamal bring over the wheelers. The machine I was supposed to ride wouldn’t start so I moved to another one. It took some finessing, but it finally turned over…. I moved it up, filled it with gas and then took it over to the yard to wait for the tour while Angie got everybody signed in, helmets doled out and completed necessary paperwork. We were ready to take off…. except my machine did not want to start 🙁 Finally got it going and we were off like a herd of turtles~! I didn’t even get to the edge of town and my machine died…. a little bit of coaxing it restarted and before I could catch up to the rest of the group….. it died again…… I tried everything I could think of, but could not get it started this time. Because I could not get the machine into neutral…. I had to wrestle it sideways to get it off of the road. I only manage to burn myself once before getting it far enough off of the road to feel safe. I called all the appropriate people to let them know I was okay – but dead in the water [so-to-speak] I had to stay with the machine and I knew the group would be back by in an hour and a half or so. After about 30 minutes – I finally got the machine into neutral and pushed it down the road to a small piece of shade where I sat until the group came back by. I’m not complaining – I had a view to die for – just wished I would have worn my swimming trunks – so I could have bailed into that gorgeous blue water. Finally hauled back to the shop – I got another machine [that runs] – loaded up the next group and away we went. Lots of dust and bumps and even though we have not had any rain to speak of in the last week or so – there were still a half a dozen mudholes to big to avoid for the folks to go through and feel like they were getting the true 4-wheeler experience 😉 Back safe and sound, machines all washed off and put away, office cleaned up and locked up, we headed back to mid-island. We were both starving by this point (3:00pm) so we stopped at the Palms for cold refreshments and a bite to eat. It feels pretty good to be “workin’ folks” again….. but we don’t want to get used to it. 😉 Showered and more cold drinks and some A/C — AHHHhhhhh….. I experimented with my GoPro on the trail and managed a couple of shots…. looking forward to refining those shots over the course of the week…….. More trail ridin’ tomorrow~!
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thankx for stoppin’ in~!