Up bright and early in anticipation of getting to dive today. Spent a little bit of time with my bride before grabbing my gear and heading out the door. My first dive was awesome…… my second dive was 10x’s better than the first one~! Lots of sharks, sting rays, spotted eels, big Barracuda and a giant green Moray eel~! Plus tons and tons of sea life. I got lots of good pictures for you – they’ll take several days to get them all put up here. Some of the video’s (awesome as well) may be a little too big to get on here – so will have to put them up on FB. But I think you’re really gonna like the pictures~!
One week……. I have voluntarily put myself ‘on the wagon‘ and today has been one full week without drinking. I’m doing it mostly for personal reasons and hoping maybe some health reasons pop up as a benefit. I have already noticed a couple. My blood pressure is down a little bit and I can actually see a very small reduction in the size of my belly…… there is a looooooooooong way to go on that one though~~~ 😉 I did add an exception to my on the wagon rule today…. For the past couple of dozen dives I have bringing a cooler with really cold Budweiser in it – and after I get off of the boat – I spend a little time drinking that ice cold beer and enjoying a cigarette. (You’re not allowed to smoke on the boat – so these 2-tank dives are usually a 4 hour break from smoking for me) and that beer to wash the salt out of my mustache and that first cigarette – just rounds out my diving…. today made it fabulous. Recently several regulars that I have come to know on the dives, stop and have a beer with me and we re-hash the dives. Kinda like after the last jump at the airport during my sky diving days. I missed that and it’s nice to be doing it again. Not sure how long I’m gonna stay on the wagon….. but I’ll keep you updated.
Back at the house, gear rinsed, got my shower and watching a little Heart Land… we were both hungry, I told Angie I wanted to try making some fried chicken in my air fryer. The folks on Heart Land are always having it for dinner and it looked wonderful (and no – not KFC~!) 😉 Now I have grilled 100’s of chickens, but cannot recall ever frying one (deep fried a couple of turkeys… does that count?) But I mixed up some stuff, rolled the chicken around in it and put it in my little air fryer……. 55 minutes later…..’Fried’ Chicken. I gotta say — for a first attempt…. it wasn’t half bad. Tender, juicy and did not use a single drop of grease or oil….. Look at me getting all healthy and stuff~~~ 😉
My DMV person called and said paperwork for registration, title and plates was ready for DD 2.0, but I was in the middle of frying my bird, so I told her I’d come get it tomorrow……. so for now…… I’m done and out~~~!
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!

GOPR0750 <— Video