Got up this morning after a semi-reasonable night’s sleep. My Queen is trying to come down with something and there was a lot of coughing and sneezing and wheezing going on. We had another visitor last night. We got to see her as she started her routine…. but we went to bed long before she finished. I came out to ‘read’ her tracks this morning… a bit of a challenge – but I finally figured it out – we had one turtle, who dug two different nests…. sadly, I don’t think she laid in either nest – but we are in an ‘off’ season – so I’m not really surprised.
The rest of the day was fairly easy… I went up an spoke with Jim up at Blues about some business concerning our up and coming signature tournament….. then a quick detour for a few groceries my Queen was after before coming home for a tasty breakfast and some Dead Zone. We finally finished that series…..[not impressed] and started looking for something new… Before we got into anything very deep – it was time to head up to Blues to watch one of our favorite performers….. a one man band, but he always gives a 100% and is just an enjoyable act.
Lots of booze, lots of friends, lots of conversation…… just a dang fun evening. We wound up shutting them down and now safely back in our little conditioned air nest…….. I have some hot dogs on the stove to hopefully soak up a LITTLE bit of this booze……. wondering what tomorrow will bring… hopefully DD 1.0 as them PoS didn’t call us today about her…….. more FUN dive pictures from the other day……..
Good Night Ya’ll = = = = = = = = = = == == = = = Thankx for stopping in~!