Arose bright and early this morning after a pitiful night’s sleep. Not sure what the deal is but may have to look into some kind of drugs to knock my a$$ out so I can sleep~! Got up, made me breakfast and was soon out the door for more diving~! On the boat by 08:30, put my gear together and waited to hit the dive spot. Turns out I have dove this particular place a week or so ago, but I really liked it, so was happy to drop back in. Barely on the ocean floor and we were greeted by a couple of sharks~! A great way to start off a dive. Visibility left a little bit to be desired, but it wasn’t terrible and the dive provided a couple of good pictures. A short steam to the next site – we stopped and munched on pineapple slices and snicker doodles while we waited for some of the Nitrogen to seep out of us. Our required hour finally passed and we were soon sinking beneath the waves once again at a new site for me….. Gentle Winds. Visibility once again left some to be desired, but again not terrible. More sharks, a couple of Barracuda’s and a turtle, so not bad~! Back in port, rinsed my gear and stopped by Blues on the way home for one of them wonderfully cold Budweiser’s. One turned into two into three and then a shot of Fireball, losing my a$$ at 3’s away and a Vodka Cranberry before I made it back to the condo (I really should have known better)….. showered, another nuked hot dog and I was soon out the door again to a board meeting of our local dive club (CRABBS). The meeting was at Leatherback ( a local beer brewery [don’t ask them for a Budweiser when they take your drink order – they get a little bit pissy about it]…… A good meeting – lots of fun new things coming up I think the club will like — Headed back toward the house and was hungry because I was too stupid to get something to eat there – so I swung through La Reine’s McDonalds…….. 4 cars in front of me and in and out in 11 minutes…. I could get plumb spoiled with that kind of time. I had most of my ‘dinner’ on the drive home and now back here plying you all with my muse…….
Another two-tank dive in the morning on the west end of the island. Gonna do a two-fer tomorrow as I will come home, drop my gear, shower and clean up, then head back for some long anticipated Lost Dog Saloon pizza. The place is in a kind of shady part of town and my Queen does not feel comfortable there – so I never go – but it is rumored to have some outstanding pizza – so I’m gonna check it out tomorrow. I have invited friends Shawn and Cynthia to join me, but not sure if they can make it yet or not. I “kinda, sorta” hope the pizza ain’t that great – cause if it is, it’s a looooong way from home and my Bride don’t like the area, so I wouldn’t be able to get much of it…… unless I start diving a lot more on that end of the island and bring it home with me 😉 We’ll see~~~
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – – – – – — Thankx for stopping in~!

(5/9/19) Hello Papaw!!!!!!!!!
Your diving looks sooooooooooo much fun! How have you been? I have the wax museum today and Oma is coming! I love you so SOOOOOOOOO much. See you in June!
Hi my Sugar Pop. I have to admit – I have been having a really good time while Oma has been back there with you all. I have been doing a LOT of diving and seeing some wonderful stuff ( LOTS of sharks~!) Oma has been sending me videos of what you all have been doing. You did a really good doing Julia Childs — I knew who you were talking about before I even read it. I am glad you are enjoying time with Oma. I can’t wait to see you next month~! I Love You~!!