Woke up about 30 minutes before my alarm this morning and didn’t really mind. I went to bed fairly early last night worn out from a couple of days of using old muscles that haven’t had that kind of work out in a while. A half bottle of vodka probably pushed that issue just a tad 😉 I actually felt pretty good waking up that early and thoroughly enjoyed the extra 30 minutes to wake up and get my morning routine out of the way. I was especially hungry and made me an extra egg – so it was 3 eggs and a couple of sausage links, a small orange juice and a small glass of milk to help get ready for the day. Anticipating getting my a$$ kicked [per Bob] – I arrived at the job site 10 minutes early (on time). My bride wanted was up before I left and wanted to use the truck to get some running done – so she dropped me off. I set right into work with some general cleaning and straightening until the boss got there. After a couple of phone calls, Bob found out the concrete he ordered (and paid for) 2 weeks ago was no where to be found and that his name was not even on the delivery list, let alone for the first delivery of the morning. Bob was not happy. He had 4 guys on the payroll, sitting around twiddling their thumbs waiting for a truck full of concrete that was no where to be found. Bob was not happy. To shorten this up a little bit, after roughly a dozen phone calls – Bob finally got his concrete – at 12:30, it was supposed to have been there by 08:00. Bob was not happy. Most of us voluntarily dropped off the payroll while waited for the concrete truck. Bob ordered pizza to feed us lunch – which showed up a couple of minutes before the concrete truck showed up. Bob was not happy. With a couple of slices of pizza in us, we launched into concrete work. When Bob said we were going to get our a$$e$ kicked – he was not joshing – not even a little bit. For the next hour and a half, we hustled concrete. 5.1/2 yards of it. I have worked concrete before and recalled I did not like to do it – today reminded me why. Slap my a$$ and call me Judy that is hard work. Especially for a very soon to be 62 year old man that hasn’t done it in a quite a while. By shortly after 14:00, concrete was poured, screed, and floated and we started cleaning up….. Bob was happy~!
The one ‘good’ thing that came out of today (for me) was that during my ‘off payroll’ time – I managed to finish prepping one entire section of fence. The plan, is for my Bride and I to go up tomorrow and get it painted and new mesh put up. We’ll be going up at 08:00 instead of 07:00 like I have been doing the past 3 days – and I’m really looking forward to that little extra sleep…. and I hope Bob is still happy~~~
Good Night Ya’ll ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Thankx for stopping in~!
Looks like you’re working hard!!! Hopefully, next time we visit, The Blues (I think that’s where you are at lol) will be all fixed up!
Sugar Pop
I have been working very hard Sugar Pop – much harder than I have been used to in quite some time. Me and Oma spent an extra 2 days working up there finishing the fence. Oma is less used to the work than I am, but thankfully We finished it today and get to take it easy for a while. Now maybe some time for us to play and relax~ You did a very good job at your school thing the other night. I am very proud of you and can’t wait to see you.
I Love You~