After a short nights sleep…..wait- yes, I did go to bed early again in anticipation of having to get up early again – but for what ever reason — I could not turn my brain off and it took me well over 2 hours to fall asleep. I hate it when I do that~! I wish I knew a way around it, because I do it more times than I care for. Not sure what the problem is, but I’ll lay there with a few dozen things running through my brain and just cannot doze off. Sad part is, they are usually things of minimal importance and don’t make a nickels difference if they are resolved or not. Just plain old aggravating~! Once I finally drifted off – I did great sleeping…. just not as long as I was hoping for. Rolled out to the alarm and got up for another morning of painting. Didn’t have the gorgeous sunrise we had the day before, so I couldn’t “re-take” the picture I buggered up yesterday …… Lots more opportunities coming though – no worries. We got up to Blues and set straight into painting…. and by 10:30ish…. we had finished the inside of the fence~! That is a LOT of slats to paint~! Sure glad I didn’t ‘quote’ that job — I would have lost my a$$ on that one. We cleaned up our gear and sat down at the bar for a couple of drinks before heading off to pick up our new TV~!
We headed to center Island to the store where our TV awaited us. Finally got the dude to bring our TV out and ashamedly admit he didn’t have the sound bar to go with it because he sold it to somebody else~! Now ain’t that a kick in the nads. I expressed extreme displeasure with this piece of intel and he quickly offered a $ 50 discount if we wanted to wait until the new one comes in. We loaded up the TV and the pedestal into the truck and away we went, trying to duck spotty rain showers around the island. I’m here to tell you (actually – kinda bragging) – that TV filled the bed of my little truck~! That is a whole bunch of TV~! Managed to get back to the condo without getting rained on — and fighting through a very sore rotator cuff – managed to get that big joker down into the condo. An hour or so later plus a couple more drinks – we got everything assembled and operating….. OH MY~~! What a wonderful sight……now just have to get the damn sound bar…..
Got a call from friends Cynthia and Shawn to meet them up at Blues for drinks. We jumped into DD and in short order was sitting at the table eating BBQ and having drinks with them. We chatted with lots of other friends as well. Shawn wanted to see our new TV, so we loaded up and headed back to the condo. I must admit, I swelled with pride as the Oohing and Awwing went on. While Cynthia and Angie chatted, me and Shawn smelled each others butts and grunted approval over the TV~~ We wound up out on the patio so Cynthia and Shawn’s new little dog (Emmy Lou) could scope out the beach. We had another drink and just enjoyed each others company. Soon time to go….. they loaded up in their truck to head back West in preparation for work tomorrow [HaHaHa]….. in true Jar head fashion – Shawn missed the first turn (he said it was to scope out something down the road) BAAHaaaa….. just like a Marine~~~ 😉
Good Night Ya’ll * * * * * * * Thankx for stopping in~!
Words to live by
A very full little truck
Our beach
Our ‘old’ TV in front of the new one : ))
Jack Bauer (“24”) Larger than life~!