Rolled outta the ole sack this morning feeling like a million dollars…. well….. okay, maybe not a million dollars but pretty friggin’ good for an old, fat, outta shape dude that currently has the world by the short hairs~! My Queen slept in a little bit as she battles that nasty ole cough that seems to have taken the island by storm. Lots of big gray nasty looking clouds out there with a couple of drizzles, but by the 3rd cigarette, they were gone and we have that beautiful sunshine lighting up the sky~!
My Bride finally came stumbling out looking like she had been rode hard and put up wet……. I told her my plans for the day and she [thankfully] opted to stay at the condo and take it easy and hopefully nap a bit. A smidge before 09:00 – I headed out the door for the West end of the island to check in with a friend that needs some carpentry type work done. Her husband, having to run the 2nd part of their business (and a Jar head that don’t know a hammer from a RPG) agreed to get a ‘professional’ to help with their needed project. They couldn’t find a professional, so ask me to look at it…. LOL 😉 J/K – two great people that I am happy to help out. I made the 30+ minute drive out to their end of the island, and spent almost an hour discussing the finer points of what they want done (and 3 other possible projects). All that settled, I headed back to mid island toward my Queen and to do some grocery shopping. She was worried that I had to do the shopping… Bless her heart — I only did 99.99% of the shopping for 17 years before we retired….. so I think I got it~! I stopped, did the shopping [successfully] and came on home without issue. Groceries unloaded, I expressed the need to run out to our local Home Depot store….. arguably the worst excuse for a ‘home improvement’ store I have ever been to in my LIFE~! I picked up a couple small containers of nails and screws that I knew I would need and a couple of tubes of liquid nails…. searching the other stuff I wanted was just a PHENOMINAL waste of my time….. so I headed back to the condo – jumped on Amazon and my stuff should be here Wednesday….. which should work out perfect as I want to get our Blues project done by then…. To celebrate, we went up to [said] Blues for drinks and a bite to eat…… We both had an open face smoked turkey sammich with smashed taters…. I had beans and rice as a side and OMG was it good~!!
We shut Blues down and now back at the condo safe and sound. I have caught up on around 18 texts (my Squirt is Killin’ it at gymnastics competition… AND – I have manage to wrangle my a$$ into a 2 tank BOAT dive tomorrow at 2 dive sites I have been trying to get to since we have been on the island…… AND – I’m getting both dives for 50 bucks~! AWESOME~!!!! Which means lots of underwater pictures for you all~! So with that, since I’m already over limit~~~~~~~~
Good Night Ya’ll > > > > > > > Thankx for stopping in~!!