I see where I had well over 150 readers again on yesterdays blog~~! Yay~!! I had to clear out all the spam before getting to that information – just happy my SPAM filter catches it before it gets on my pages. It’s nice knowing I have that many friends and family keeping up with our adventures here. Granted we are off to a slow start with this new year…. but it’ll pick up. I personally intend to do a lot more diving this year… which means lots more underwater pictures for you all. The dive club I belong to promises to be a lot more active and since I am an officer on the board of the club – that is something that will help occupy my time as well as being Treasurer for the Fish With A Vet organization. I also have some more work up at Blues I want to get done for Jim & Deb, so hopefully stay just busy enough to keep me from getting ‘rock fever’. For those unfamiliar with that term…. it is when you realize you are stuck on a very small island and you start getting a bit claustrophobic….. I don’t get so much claustrophobic as I do getting bored of the same old thing….. So we’ll see – I feel good about this year on the island. I think knowing we will be heading back to the ‘land of plenty‘ at least two times this year is helping~~
Another gorgeous day on the island to wake up to….. I noticed my Bride was opting out on several smoke breaks….. it took some pressing, but I finally got her to admit that she had a scratchy throat and she wasn’t feeling quite up to snuff. I guess she has managed to pick up some kind of bug 🙁 I kept her on the couch most of the day with regular applications of aspirin and lots of liquid while we watched movies. Watched several, most of them stupid….. last one was noteworthy. It was called 21 and starred Kevin Spacey. Very entertaining…. I think you’d like it.
Never did get the call I was waiting on from our realtor, but she did say she was expecting a really crazy today — so hopefully we can get together sometime in the next day or so to discuss our options in case our Landlord doesn’t renew our lease. So with that — I’m calling it a night on here….. more 2018 pix~~
Good night Ya’ll . . . . . . Thankx for stopping in~!