I showed up at my appointed time this morning….. just to hang out and converse with the sweet and lovely “Lexi”…… Jamal finally showed up and put me immediately to work. I liked it~! Wasn’t long before we were out by Rhythms Bar and Jamal had me filling gas tanks and lining machines up for the morning ride. The first group showed up and we were off like a herd of turtles…….. one half mile into the ride…. it started to rain…. and rain and rain…. which added a whole new dynamic to the ride. I had no idea “bringing up the rear” involved that kind of work~! I crawled off of my machine a minimum of a dozen and half times, to help restart stubborn machines, or otherwise help navigate a tough turn or obstacle. It was actually kinda cool, although mildly taxing to be in that role. We suffered through several obstacles, machines that just plain ole quit, or wouldn’t start or wouldn’t back up… but we made it~! This also included down tree limbs blocking our path, but between me and Jamal — we got it cleared out. Jamal was a chopping like hell on limbs and I was busy pushing big $hit out of the way. I did discover a rather smart size ‘hill’ of fire ants while I was moving limbs out of the way – so while Jamal was busy doing his spiel about the big sugar mill we had stopped at – I was busy wiping fire ants off of my leg. I really appreciated some of the deeper mud holes we through after that – as it help soothe the burn from bites……… Although we wound up “losing” a machine and shuffled through a couple of machine changes — we completed the tour and I think every one had a really good time…. Back at base camp, we made need changes and before you could blink real good – was saddled up for tour # 2. The next group came in. Got instructions and soon we were off…. I had the ladies at the back of the group – as the guys were wanting to show off their prowness on the machines. I brought up the rear again, and can honestly say, having done that particular tour 6-8 times now – that was the slowest I have ever done it……. but everyone seemed to have a really good time – so I was happy with our performance.. We had one ‘dead’ machine we had to get back to the shop, so Jamal pulled me into town to get the machine back to the shop. I don’t want to say he hit every mudhole on the way back into town – but he didn’t miss very goddamn many of them. By design or intentional……. I was already soaked from multiple rain showers that day — but that ‘pull’ back into town capped it. If I didn’t look like a ‘local’ when I started – I damn sure did when we arrived back at the shop. Machines put away, I gathered up my stuff and headed back to my Queen. The fun, easy day I was expecting turned into a day of actually hard work — and I would do it again in a heart beat if asked……..!!
Finally made it back home to my Queen….. a shower…..2 or 8 drinks later and we wound up at Blues for drinks and some chow…… what a great, great bunch of people up there. More rain showers, but who cares…..? We bid Happy New Years and adieu to friends there and came back home to be dry and happy with the peace and quiet. I have a dive tomorrow with our dive club – at the West end…. I think….. Will definitely be pictures…….. Over my limit and really tired (and mildly hammered)…… so………………….
Good Night Ya’ll – – – – — Thankx for stopping in~!