Well today turned into a day where I didn’t do a damn thing…… well, I guess I shouldn’t say that – but I didn’t sleep in [again]….. I didn’t wake up to any new turtle digs, I didn’t gorge myself at breakfast (so that kinda counts for something don’t it ?)…… I didn’t go up to Blues for anything……. I didn’t clean anything around the house (but I did offer to do the breakfast dishes)……. I did watch a whole lot of the idiot box….. a couple of decent movies – came in a tad late, but caught most of Black Sea — very good~! Then we watched another DeNiro movie called The Score – several other big names — I think you’d like it as well. I didn’t do any leveling on the beach today – but in all fairness, there was a storm brewing and lightening….. hey, I gotta have some kind of excuse. I didn’t make a complete hog out of myself with the sloppy joes my bride made us for supper (there really wasn’t enough to) 😉 Watched one more movie while we ate called Hart’s War….. wasn’t that impressed with it…… I didn’t hate it – but I didn’t like it either~~
I did take some fairly decent pictures of the storm as it passed by and some of the sun set, so I have some new pictures to share with you…. and will leave it here so you can not listen to me ramble any more and enjoy the pictures.
Good night Ya’ll ….. Thankx for stopping in~!