We woke up this morning to a text from our Damn Neighbors saying they arrived safe and sound back in Alabama…… very happy to know that, but miss seeing them stumble out the door of their bedroom and being able to watch them wake up staring at the view off of our porch……. We sat out on the porch in silence and watched the waves roll in and (speaking for me personally) reflected back on the last couple of days with them while I sipped my coffee that doesn’t taste like coffee. I do not like coffee, so mine can’t taste like coffee 😉
We made a small breakfast and just kind of sat around and got caught up on the odds and ends we let slide when we have guests here….. I got all the snorkeling gear gathered up and put away, towels and sheets are all bagged ready for the laundry….. I got my SCUBA gear all gathered up and put in my gear bag and put away ready for my next diving adventure. We checked mail, caught up on FB and other such nonsense….. I got caught up on my bill paying before settling in on the couch to spend some idiot box time with my bride.
It got to be time for Judge Judy and we were getting hungry. My Queen wanted a steak- so I fired up the grill and fed us. It’s the end of a nice quiet day now and I don’t have a lot to run on about – so I’m gonna put up a bunch of pictures from the past week I don’t think I’ve got to yet…….
Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!