Start to a new week…. a new week that promises to be a busy week with the pending arrival of our ‘baby’ and her family on Friday~! We have been planning on what we need to pick up at the store(s) and things we need to get done around the house. Plans in place, we had our coffee, got woke up and was ready to launch into it. That was the plan…… Dammit Emmit~! Someway or another we managed to get tuned into the movie Jaws 3. Apparently we hadn’t seen it and decided we needed to. O.M.G.~! That movie is the pure definition of why you shouldn’t make a sequel to a great movie. Terrible would be a gross understatement, but we toughed it out…… only to find out there was a Jaws 4. Well….. we had to watch it~! Duh….. Happy to say it was mildly better than # 3, still can’t believe though we sat and watched both of them…… 😉 About the middle of # 4 – we got a call from a friend I made from another organization I joined a while back. They’re called Fish with a Vet USVI. They said we have been invited to watch a turtle hatching out at Sandy Point Game Reserve. Not sure what all is involved in that, but it sounds like a lot of fun. Definitely something you don’t get to see every day. We are stoked for that. While talking about that, we got started in on another movie called All Hope Lost, with Robert Redford. Only about 12 words spoken the entire movie – but was actually pretty interesting. About half way through that movie, we got a call from a couple we had met last month and got to know a little bit. He is the guy who is retired Air Force, just started diving and is looking for a dive buddy because his wife don’t dive [either]. We have made plans to meet up with them on Wednesday for drinks and chat. I personally am amped about it — My Queen and I have a lot in common with each of them and we are both really looking forward to getting to know them. I may have a dive buddy and Angie will have a non-diving buddy. They both smoke and like to drink — so we should hit it off swimmingly~! (pun, pun)
By the time the last movie was over, we had a bite to eat, watched the sun set and now it’s time for me to do my ‘evening assignment’ —A little play on words for those of you from the Evansville area and old enough to remember Joe Aaron and his morning column Morning Assignment in the Evansville Courier. I loved reading his column every morning. RIP Joe. SO…… we never actually got anything accomplished today, but a pretty good day in spite of it. Gonna put up a bunch more pictures of the dive yesterday.
Good night Ya’ll —— Thankx for stopping in~!