I actually slept in a little bit this morning [woo-hoo] rolling out about 07:30~! My Queen was already up and started in on her coffee. We lounged and took it easy through a small breakfast and rolled out the door by 11:45. We decided that neither one of us was in a particular hurry to get in the water today, but wanted to scope out some new places for when we have visitors, so we would have lots of options of places to take them. Going off of a couple of leads we had received from friends – we headed to the West end of the island (where it is almost ALWAYS calm water) We stopped by my favorite dive shop first to pick up a Fathers Day present from my SCUBA diving Daughter. It’s an underwater flashlight that I can’t wait to try out. I have seen the difference they can make – so I am pumped to give it a try~! I scheduled a dive for early next week with them – so I may get to try it out there. Supposed to be one of the top 3 dive spots on the island~!! More on that after I make the dive. We left there and stopped by the Frederiksted Fort, which is supposed to have some quality snorkeling as far as animal life….. might check it out tomorrow to see if it holds true. We left there and headed out Veteran’s Drive to check out another spot we heard about. We stopped first at Louie’s & Nacho’s [fun little beach bar] to wet our whistle before heading out to spot # 2. Found the second place to be very intriguing as far as offering a nice easy entry into the water, which is what we were looking for as far as making it easy on the little guys getting in and out of the water. Really looking forward to scoping this place out~!
Left there and headed back to center island….. and needed to wet our whistle again, so we stopped in at Blues for a quick drink and a shot at the ‘Shake’ – well over a thousand dollars now – and still was when we left. 🙁 Went next to another small park, rarely frequented, so I’m sure we’ll have it to ourselves whenever we go. Not quite as luxurious as some of the others, but still a really nice place for little fellers to splash around. From there we headed out farther East out past Cheeseburger’s in America’s Paradise to Chenay Bay — as it turns out, it is a real respectable hike from the parking area to the beach, so we opted out and headed back. We stopped in at Blues for another drink or 6 before heading back to cool off, get cleaned up and then right back to Blues for drinks and dinner. My guy, Jason Jones (the dude who ‘kills’ Johnny Cash) was playing, so we sat, drank, socialized and thoroughly enjoyed listening to “JJ” do his thing. The bar called ‘last call’ so we paid our bill and headed back here….. Pretty nice day today, beaches, sun, sand, surf, alcohol, JJ and some really good friends…. all in all, a really good day. I hope you all have a day like this at least once in a while….. better yet if you get to visit our gorgeous island and let us help you have one of our days…….. 😉
Good night Ya’ll —– Thankx for stopping in~!
My Father’s Day gift from Steph & josh~~ : ) ^
This is apparently what I look like getting into my truck~~
View from Louie & Nacho’s bar~
View from Louie & Nacho’s bar~
View from Louie & Nacho’s bar~
View from Louie & Nacho’s bar~
Looking forward to seeing what this is about~!