Got up after a mostly pitiful nights sleep….. I was really depressed – I figured since I had put in a grueling day in the Caribbean heat and manual labored most of that day, following that up with a 6 pack of cold beer, a cool shower….. I figured that I would pass out from sheer exhaustion and sleep like a log all night~! No …no … no….. Dealt with parts cramping up on me, some very sore joints and had to get up twice to drain the beer. Dammit Emmit~!
I had to have DD at the garage at 09:00, so I dropped it off and walked on down to Blues for a second day of manual labor. My Queen wanted to help – so I got her started scraping the fence surrounding the place, ( I dropped her off before going to the garage so she didn’t have to walk) prepping it for staining. I started back in on and finished up the main section of the fence and by the time I got to that point – it was time to call it a day. We sat and had a couple of drinks, I walked back to the garage and picked up DD and came back to fetch my Queen.
Both of us were about shot when we got here (tired, not plastered). We each got us a nice cool shower, made a drink and poured our selves into the couch, basking in the satisfaction of a well accomplished day. I finally got up and grilled us some big ole greasy cheeseburgers with lettuce, tomato and onion. Bellies full, nicely relaxed – we settled back onto the couch for a nice cool evening.
Not sure whether I’m going up for another day of manual laboring tomorrow or not. Kinda gonna wait to see what kind of sleep I get tonight. 😉
Good night ya’ll — Thankx for stopping in~!