Past couple of days I have ventured out for odds and ends…. not a lot of adventure or picture taking opportunities… but am slowly discovering, our beautiful little island must be stuck in some kind of time warp. At least, that is what it feels like some time….. seriously….. 49 minutes to get through a McDonalds drive through……. ?? I went to the bank yesterday…. I wanted get an advance on my debit card for a couple of hundred bucks…… I needed a hundred dollar bill, a fifty dollar bill and some change…… Do you have an account here ? No 🙁 We can’t do that then……. okay, fair enough…. (pulling a wad of $20 bills from my wallet) can I please get a 100 and a 50 for this ? No, we can’t do that. I’m sorry, what was that ? We can’t do that. I thought the young lady was pulling my leg, so I smiled and said, yeah right….. now can I please get a 100 and a 50 for this please ? I’m sorry, we can’t do that. REALLY ? Why not ? Bank policy. REALLY ? [still thinking she’s kidding] No Sir – bank policy, we cannot do that. Once I realized she was serious, I then started getting annoyed… (hard to believe huh?) You understand? All I want to do is exchange this (holding up a handful of $20) for a 100 and a 50 correct ? Yes, but we cannot do that. REALLY…….? I don’t want any extra money… just swap this [money] for a 100 and a 50……..?!?!? No, we cannot do that. ((Dammit Emmit~!)) I would like to speak with a manager please……[[eye roll]] … gone about 5 minutes and said manager shows up….. I explained to said manager what I wanted to do…… no problem….. you will need to do a cash advance….. [[eye roll – me this time]] and how do I go about doing that ??…… to make a really long story a little bit shorter……… I had to sign into a book – chat with a thoroughly upset woman, (not sure if she was upset with me or the fact she had to work for a living) who made 4 different phone calls, left the office area twice, asked for 3 different forms of (picture) ID, filled out more f**king forms than I did when I enlisted in the USAF and roughly 50 minutes later….. I got my 100 and my 50……. JESUS H CHRIST~!!! Seriously…… I thought I was in an early 80’s episode of a bad sitcom…… I seriously expected to start to hear Rod Serling starting to narrate this event….. wow~~~
Went to Blues Backyard BBQ this afternoon to listen to Reverend Raven and the chain smoking alter boys….. Fine trio of men who did a really good job of mostly their own music… kind of a happy blend of blues and jazz with their own unique spin on it. Apparently the Reverend is kind of a big deal in the Chicago area (if you choose to believe him)….. but the group had a really nice sound….. if you get the chance to hear them – I would strongly recommend them.
Shut the backyard down and met some friends at another local bar for drinks and a bite to eat… They had a small band playing there that didn’t sound bad – but was entirely too loud for where they were playing. The bar made a mediocre drink and the food really nothing to talk about – but the company was outstanding…….. just glad I didn’t have to pay using a check…….. 😉
Good night ya’ll ….. Thankx for stopping in~!