Holy Crap on a cracker…… I have been at it 10 minutes to get this far – so not sure what you’re gonna wind up with today…… It’s getting late enough [here] that I thought traffic might slow down a bit and actually let me get something done….. NOT~! We watched a DVD the other night called SNOWDEN – about the “traitor” that leaked a bunch of NSA intel…….. It’s based on a true story but you still have to figure out what is horse crap and what ain’t – but it’s spooky when you see the kind of technology out there….. definitely worth the watch though…. (Alex – if you’re reading this, the actor portraying Snowden, reminded me the world of you) Any how – the reason I bring this up…… is he had this handy little antenna kind of deal that he could point at the sky and apparently NEVER have internet issues, where ever he was at…. I told my Bride – THAT is what I want and in her never ending ability to shut me the f**k up….. said “Baby, he is a top secret agent for the CIA and also – that is a movie….” Dammit Emmit ~! I still think that type of technology is out there …… and I want it~!!!
We started our day off by pooping on a stick and getting our food handlers cards. To the untrained ear that may sound contradictive…… but that’s what it takes to get a food handlers card here. I’ve never had to poop on a stick before…. kind of a messed up degrading affair….. and having been through a military induction center – I thought I had been through it all….. but this was a first for me – and if I have anything to do with it a LAST for me as well. But we are now certified by the U.S. Virgin Islands to handle food in a restaurant environment, should we feel the need to do so……. A lot more to the story – but will get into later….. No – we are not so broke we have to start working again, so just cool your jets and wait for the rest of the story later…….
After the trials and tribulations of pooping on a stick – we both felt a drink was warranted…… maybe not warranted – but we both wanted one and since we had skipped breakfast – figured a bite to eat wouldn’t hurt anything either. It takes a lot out of you (well, me anyway) to poop on a stick…… so we stopped at Blues for a drink and a bite to eat…….. again, 1 drink and a bite to eat turned into a bite to eat and 6 drinks…… The owner was telling us about the local entertainment for the evening….. he said it was just one guy and guitar, but this guy could ‘do’ Johnny Cash almost better than Johnny himself…… Well….. this I had to hear……
I’m gonna leave you hanging here….. I’m at my 500 words already – and ain’t even got good and started….. so you’ll have to tune in tomorrow….. “same bat time, same bat channel” (as long as the internet cooperates) for the exciting conclusion to pooping on a stick and Johnny Cash……
Thankx for stopping in….. : )
Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain. – Vivian Greene
Really beautiful mountains on the island (waaaaay in the background)
“Bacon Brittle” a little bit sweet and AH-MAZ-ING~!
Camera angle
My Honey Bear and her new hat~ <3