A whole lot more went on today – Yay~! Started out by going into the big city of Christiansted (capitol of St. Croix) to the fine establishment of Angry Nate’s…. not sure what Nate is angry about, but sure we’ll find out in due time. Had us some breakfast – pretty standard fare breakfast – tasty but not noteworthy. We finished up our breakfast and finally got to walk the boardwalk along the Christiansted waterfront. There is a live web cam there that we have watched for the past couple of years (at: http://www.earthcam.com/usa/virginislands/stcroix/?cam=mmstcroix_hd ) and today – we actually got to be there and was on camera for a tiny bit~! Scenery almost too pretty to describe. Course, it may have seemed prettier to us than most, because we have planned and waited so long to get to see it. We moseyed around the shops just being touristy and looking at things. Fort Christiansted is right there, and once we’re settled – I’m looking forward to doing the tour of it. It looks awesome from the outside~!
Finished up with our walking tour of the harbor and jumped in the bus, with plans to drive out to the East end of the island to see Point Udall — the Eastern most point of the United States. I have been as far North, South, and West as you can go in the U.S. – I just need this one to round it off. Drove along some of the most gorgeous shoreline you’ll ever want to gander at. Took lots of pictures…. just hope I can get them to load. Hopefully, you noticed I said made plans to go to Point Udall……because I must have missed a turn some where and we wound up damn near on the other end of the island….without even realizing it. It’s a good thing we went to Frederiksted the other day, or we might not have even realized we on the ‘wrong’ end of the island~! I hate when that happens~~ It was a fun enjoyable drive none-the-less.
Back at the condo now, hopefully get some sleep….My Queen has started coughing again….. We stopped by the local pharmacy trying to find something for it – but this place isn’t stocked as well as what we’re used to – and apparently there is no CVS on the island… There is a Mickey D’s a Wendy’s and KFC though~!
Hopefully tomorrow Angie is feeling better and we get bombarded with phone calls to go look at places to possibly move into. We have a small army of folks looking for us and a couple possible leads already – so keep your fingers crossed~!
I’m going to try now and get some pictures loaded for you — Good night ya’ll~!
things may come to those who wait. But only the things left by those who hustle.
Apparently named it for his wife 😉
Fort Christiansted
Fort Christiansted
Hotel on the Cay