Another morning of large ominous clouds beckoning a call of looming rain kept us chilling again the better part of the day. I did get a morning stroll in to try and burn off some of that double quarter pounder I had yesterday….before coming back and doing a mega load of nothing and got a couple of fun pictures to share with you as well as a little more Island Insight…….
I miss cold water….. something that didn’t dawn on me until visiting a Daughter who lived in Florida at the time…… warm climate places, especially those with no or dang little elevation…. don’t have cold water….. and I miss that…. especially in the mornings…… from as far back as I can remember, I always washed my face with ice cold water when I first got up. Dad instilled that in me at that very early age…. He always told me, wash you face and comb your hair right off the bat – it took probably a month or so of getting my a$$ beat until I learned that particular habit and getting the hang of it, but been doing it every since. It has served me well… particularly through 17 years of working a swing shift and then another 17 years of dragging my happy a$$ out of bed at 03:45 to go to work every morning……. wakes you up and kinda jump starts your day…. you don’t have cold water on tropical islands (at least we haven’t found it yet) Guess I could take one of my bottles of water out of the fridge with me to the bathroom…. but it kinda loses something in translation. Applies as well to ice cold water out of the kitchen tap – I’m talking about so cold it almost makes your teeth hurt. Course I guess that is something to be thankful for, for having water that comes from deep, deep springs where we lived the last 30+ years…….Same thing for brushing your teeth…. doing it with tepid water just doesn’t do it for me…… curious if it does for anyone reading this…….and….taking a nice cool/cold shower after a long day in the tropical heat (or any hot muggy day). Again – tepid water just doesn’t do much to cool the heat of the day. I miss cold water……..
Ik mis koud water~~

Bro! Gotta tell ya, Man, those strolls down memory lane take me back to remembering when someone had to get up in the middle of the night and put another lump, or two, in the stove, just to keep from freezing. How that heat got below the house to the pipes, I’ll never know. WE didn’t live through soup lines and the dust bowl, but it was definitely a simpler life. Yeah, Those were the days. Keep the Faith and remember what Jimmy B. and Alan Jackson say – ‘It’s five o’clock somewhere’. In fact, actually, there’s two of them. Damn, Bro! That means a ‘two- fer’. Just don’t forget – ROTATE! Every 30 minutes. God, I love ‘me, Bro. Keep ‘me comin’!
Hey Brother, Good to hear from you~! Glad you’re enjoying my muses…. remembering the good old days is happening more and more… and I also love it! One of the other great things about retirement… It IS always 5:00 somewhere~! I Hope you are well~!