Third straight day of rain today and while rain usually don’t keep me in (I’m mean, you’re swimming and already wet) I stayed inside today looking for another place to live. Think I found another place to hole up and as soon as the owner confirms… looks like we will be spending Thanksgiving in Curacao and Christmas and New years on Bonaire.
Lots of things I will miss about not being ‘home’ for the holidays, an equal or slightly more number of things I won’t miss about being home for the holidays too. Weather being # 1 on the list. Going to be an interesting experience, not being surrounded by family and friends for those big holidays – but I have my Bride with me and we will have a wonderfully warm tropical environment to help us make it through. I personally am looking forward to going snorkeling, diving or just lounging on a hot tropical beach for the holidays than I am tolerating the miserable weather and headaches that go along with that time of the year. I’m sure there will be some tears, maybe from both of us – but a crystal blue ocean should help distract it from both of us….. that and maybe the thought of not cooking for 8 hours and cleaning up for another 2 after the meal. Again, it’ll be a learning experience for us both, hopefully a fun enjoyable one.
Couple of pictures for you, mostly of outside our new place…. enjoy~~
If you have a good enough internet connection, you can always Skype or FaceTime to see their smiling faces!
Thankx Errol – Internet connection is sketchy at best here – but Angie manages to get through for serious face time. Actually talking with kids and Grandkids more now than when we were at home…. 😉