Started our day off with a free Continental breakfast (which can’t hold a candle to good ole sausage and eggs) – but ate a bite and lit out for the Northwestern part of the island. Fun, fun, fun day.
Started out by going to Hell – literally…… I have been told to go there multiple times…. but didn’t plan on completing the journey this early in my life. Fun little place that has some of the most unique rocks you’ll ever see. One version of how the location got it’s name is that the folks who discovered the rocks, stated…” this is must be what Hell looks like” Spooky, eerie looking – pictures probably won’t do them justice – but fun and interesting none-the-less~~
After bottle-assing around in Hell for a while, we headed for a turtle farm that was supposed to be near by. So very, very happy we made it. Paid the entry fee for the full tour of the place. First thing you see when you walk in is a massive ‘bay’ of turtles…and I mean TURTLES…. wow~~ I’ve seen hundreds of pictures and videos and TV shows, showing these marvelous creatures swimming around, but this is the first time I have seen them in real life and up close. OMG~!! These things are HUGE — one of the guides says their biggest one is 600 Lbs…. now THAT is a turtle….. I’ll be real honest – I was in awe, no other way to put it, and could have stood there the rest of the day watching those big beautiful animals. Absolutely mind bending to me. Toured the rest of the compound and actually got to hold some of the smaller turtles…. really fun couple of hours and a great way to spend a beautiful tropical day.
More to my day – but this is enough rambling for one day and I can save some for tomorrow and more room here for pictures.
If you ever get to Grand Cayman ….. Go to Hell~! (and then go see some turtles) 😉