Nice & Easy……

What a great day….. started off with a scrumptious breakfast my Bride made for us….. sat around and caught upon some much needed overdo computer work (updating address’ etc.)
Made a couple of small sammiches for lunch – then headed out for some salt water swimmin’……. finally figured out how to use my phone underwater… so got some pictures for you – but water was pretty stirred up from a rough tide and partly cloudy skies – so pictures are not as clear as I would like. Did manage to catch a picture of a small Moray eel my Queen spotted – close up is blurry, because the tide was pushing me into him – and I believe he was annoyed with the big dork sticking a camera in his face – so he was coming out to me — so trying to take a picture while backing up (wearing fins) created the blurriness…… I’ll try and get a better picture when the water is clearer and the eel is not as annoyed.
On a related note – I bought an Otter box for my new phone and the young lady told me it was water PROOF (down to 6′) I had her confirm it was water PROOF – and not just water resistant. She confirmed, and yesterday, for the first time – I took my VERY expensive phone and lowered it into the water…… Wow~!   One of the scariest things I’ve ever done but, after some experimentation – will dive in now holding the camera without hesitation. Not really relevant to the story – but thought I’d share in case you ever want to freak yourself out~~
Ended the day with a quick dip in the pool and then back for drinks and relaxation on the patio.
I love being retired — especially in the Caribbean.
New news — just booked plane tickets and a [temporary] 1 month stay on Curacao. More details on that later. 🙂


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Born in Germany as an Army brat - I moved permanently to the United States about the time I was ready to start school - Dad put to me to work when I turned 13 tearing off roofs and packing shingles.. I did that, DE tasseled corn and bucked hay all the way through high school. After graduation, moved down South for a year or so trying to figure what I wanted to do. Finally came home and joined the Air Force serving almost 5 years - which included a 3 year tour in Germany, where I met my Queen. Came home and started working as a roofer. Economy went to crap and I knew I would not be able to support my growing family the way I wanted to, so I pestered the HR department at General Electric until they hired me. A very quick almost 34 years, 4 Daughters and 9 Grandkids later - here I am .... waiting as patiently as I can, to start the next chapter of our life - romping around in the Caribbean Sea checking out the various islands that we have not been to yet. Holy $hit what a ride~!!!! ;-)

2 thoughts on “Nice & Easy……”

    1. Thankx Tim – I hope you’re enjoying the read. A lot tougher than I thought it would be, but I’m having a good time learning the in’s & out’s of it~! As I get a better feel for what people would like to see, I’ll adjust my photo’s….

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