Had one of them sleeps Last night – that you’re always happy to have. Woke up right off the bat – awake – and ready to get up. I fell asleep within a couple of minutes and didn’t hear or feel a thing until I woke up. I guess my long day of kick outs/ins and long dives and brilliant hot sunshine caught up with me. I didn’t have a heckva lot to drink yesterday [compared to normally] so I don’t think that was a factor. Just plain ole pooped………. I was a little bit long getting my morning stuff out of the way and my Queen was hungry early – so we had a bite of breakfast, before I strapped on the second half of my early Father’s Day present and headed out the door for another walk. A couple of my girls went together and bought me a pair of high-fa-lootin walking shoes for Fathers Day. Nice lookin’ shoes – although they may look at little bit gay…. but I like them and love the thought behind them. Off I went….. a little bit of spring in my step…. don’t know if if it was the shoes or finally a decent nights sleep. About a mile into my journey – the cramping on the sides of my feet told me – the shoes still need broke in and/or I had them laced up to tight. I carried on and by mile two – cramps were gone and I was boogie-ing through the country side. Past horses, cows and barking dogs. I strayed from my planned path and right in the middle of it found a neat little [albeit muddy] short cut that dropped me back onto the previous planned path. I did not – however- factor in where said short cut dropped me out, back on planned path – and a minor miscalculation added about a ½ mile to my walk. No worries – in my new shews, I could walk farther, run faster and jump higher….. dammit – wrong shoe….. anyhow – I stayed at it and was soon plodding back into our yard. Pretty happy with today’s walk…. I’m now gonna have to re-arrange all the shoe inserts I have to get my new ones into the new shoes…… heck- I may even be able to run the next time after I do that….. LOLOLOLOL……. 😉
Rest of the day was pretty easy… TV, smokin’ and drinkin’. Dinner was corn dogs and French fries….. and now here I am…. new pictures and some more dive pictures for you. I am going back to ‘work‘ tomorrow….. diving and taking pictures…… a tough life but somebody’s gotta do it….. 😉
Good Night Ya’ll + + + + + + + + + + + + + Thankx for stopping in~!

Remnant of an old aqua duct system on the island
